Project: RADAR - Running Away: Drivers, Awareness, Responses

#MesDePrevencaoDasFugas Campaign


The aim of the RADAR project is to raise awareness within society, in particular among social actors, of the phenomenon of runaways from home or host institution. In particular, by promoting a shift in approach towards runaways, which is understood not as a behavioural problem, but as a consequence of adverse experiences faced in childhood.

It also aims to collect data from child support lines and to identify best practices in the prevention and protection of children with runaway episodes.

Intervention Area


Target Group

Adolescents and young people who have run away from home or institution; professionals who work with children at risk

General Objectives

Scope (National or International)

International (European)

Identification of External Partnerships

Communication between intervening services and overlapping areas

Cooperation, SOS-Child, Street Project (CDIJ)

Implementation Period

April 2020 and lasts 2 years.

Main Results


#MesDePrevencaoDasFugas Campaign

In November, it's time to understand why Young People run away