Project IAC – Invest, Update, Train

The priority of the IAC has always been direct intervention with the various target groups, development of innovative methodologies and establishment of partnerships and networks, which made it a reference institution at national and international level in the area of Rights of Child.
Since the IAC has always done a work of excellence in monitoring issues related to childhood, it is now urgent to focus on the organization’s internal management, so that it can position itself at the top of practices of effectiveness and efficiency, ensuring a better intervention with its target groups.
This project is part of Axis 4 of the Cidadãos Ativ@s Programme – strengthening the capacity and sustainability of civil society. This Programme’s main objective is to strengthen the role of NGOs in society, contributing to their independence and capacity to respond to society’s problems.
Intervention Area
Target Group
IAC’s staff
General Objectives
- Improve internal organization processes (procedures mapping, internal regulations, technical/administrative procedures and internal communication mechanisms);
- Increase the effectiveness of the employees’ response, through their training in areas considered to be priorities by them;
- Create a system of regular donors to increase the volume of private donations and help ensure the sustainability of the IAC;
- Develop instruments for monitoring and evaluating activities to assess the impact of the intervention;
- Create conditions to obtain the Quality Management certificate.
Scope (National or International)
Communication between intervening services and overlapping areas
All of the intervening services, overlapping areas, administrative services and the Board
Implementation Period
June 2021 to November 2022
Main Results
Ongoing Project
Supported by: