Project: RADAR - Running Away: Drivers, Awareness, Responses

#MesDePrevencaoDasFugas Campaign
The aim of the RADAR project is to raise awareness within society, in particular among social actors, of the phenomenon of runaways from home or host institution. In particular, by promoting a shift in approach towards runaways, which is understood not as a behavioural problem, but as a consequence of adverse experiences faced in childhood.
It also aims to collect data from child support lines and to identify best practices in the prevention and protection of children with runaway episodes.
Intervention Area
Target Group
Adolescents and young people who have run away from home or institution; professionals who work with children at risk
General Objectives
- Within the scope of research
- to understand the adverse childhood experiences that lead children and adolescents to flee;
- To collect data from hotlines supporting children from at least 20 EU countries
- To determine how protection systems can support the child
- To map relevant professionals and stakeholders in different member states to participate in training actions
- To identify best practices for the prevention, support and protection of fleeing children
- Within the framework of training
- To develop working tools for professionals to help them better understand this phenomenon
- To organize training activities for professionals
- To promote the transferability of good practices
- Within the scope of Advocacy and Participation
- To organize awareness campaigns
- To develop an online course to publicize the actions
- To make recommendations to strategic bodies
- To promote meetings between children and decision-makers to ensure and promote the Right of Participation
Scope (National or International)
International (European)
Identification of External Partnerships
- Missing Children Europe (promoting entity)
- Liège Université
- Child Focus
- Child Helpline International
- Fundacja ITAKA (Poland)
- The Smile of the Child (Greece)
Communication between intervening services and overlapping areas
Cooperation, SOS-Child, Street Project (CDIJ)
Implementation Period
April 2020 and lasts 2 years.
Main Results
#MesDePrevencaoDasFugas Campaign
In November, it's time to understand why Young People run away