Coordination Assistant: Dr.ª Maria João Cosme
General Objectives
- Guarantee the child/youth the right to speak and their protection.
- Raise awareness among Community Structures and Society about the problem of Children/Young People, particularly in situations of danger, disappearance, exploitation or sexual abuse.
- Develop actions that contribute to the educational social intervention, which responds to the needs of the school community.
- Ensure psychological support to all children/young people who request it.
Target Group
The main beneficiaries of the different activities of the SOS-Child sector are children, up to the age of 18, who are at risk and/or display psychological vulnerability. In the scope of Psychological Care, the target group focuses mainly on children and young people, residents or studying in the Greater Lisbon area, due to the specificity of the geographical location of this service. Regarding the SOS-Child Lines, the recipients of our action are all children and young residents in mainland Portugal and Islands, given the national scope of the SOS-Child service.
Families and professionals working mainly in the area of childhood and youth are indirect beneficiaries of our intervention.
Intervention Axis

SOS Criança Lines
General Objective
Guarantee the child/youth the right to speak and their protection.
Team Phone Lines and Psychological Support Team
- Specialists in Psychology: Ana Mendonça, Ana Silva, Dina Faria, Diogo Gonçalves, Fernanda Salvaterra, Isabel Oliveira, Mara Chora, Maria João Cosme, Rute Dias and Sara Valadares
Personalized Service
General Objective
To evaluate and/or monitor children and young people in situations of vulnerability at psychological, social and legal level.
Promote the psychosocial integration of the child/youth and family.
Social and Educational Intervention
General Objective
It seeks to develop actions that contribute to the educational social intervention which meets the needs of the school community, acting in benefit of an education/learning tailored to each student, ensuring equity, equal opportunities and social inclusion.
Reduce school problems (isolation, addictive behaviour, delinquents and self-injury, situations of disinterest, absenteeism and school dropout).
Social and Educational Intervention and Psychological Support Team
- Specialists in Psychology: Ana Mendonça, Andreia Ribeiro, Cátia Fidalgo, Maria José and Rita Correia
- Professional Internships in Psychology: Alexandre Gamito and Maura Olaio
- Academic Internship: 1 (Faculty of Psychology of Lisbon)
Administrative Support
- Administrative Clerks: Anabela Rosa and Rita Esperto