Project: School Mediation
The Student and Family Support Office (GAAF) is a project promoted by the School/Social Mediation at the Instituto de Apoio à Criança, which, since 1998, has intervened in schools providing a support service, with the aim of helping students solve their problems, combat absenteeism and early school leavers, and establish intervention strategies to combat social exclusion of pupils and their families.
Intervention strategies focused on the student include personal follow-up, in groups and on the playground, student care, support and follow-up of groups/classes, psychological, social and pedagogical support, and referral to other entities.
Other accompaniments are aimed at the family, reinforcing its role as socializing agents for children and young people, and the communication of families with the school.
Area of Intervention
Target Group
Students and families and other school community
Main Objective
General / Specific Objectives
- Promote the development of personal and social skills of the student.
- Contribute to the reflection and realization of the child/youth life project.
- Promote initiatives to foster the relationship between school community actors.
- Reduce school dropout, school absenteeism or school violence.
- Reduce situations that call into question the physical and emotional integrity of the child/youth.
- Reduce the use of psychoactive substances.
Promote the interrelationship between the various actors Family/School/Community, as agents participating in the process of personal, social and educational development.
- Create and streamline the Social Support Network (RAS).
- Promote parental involvement in the student’s course.
Scope (National or International)
National (IAC Coimbra Branch is responsible for the central and northern areas)
Identification of External Partnerships (2020-2021)
- Group of Schools of Alvaiázere
- Group of Schools of Ansião
- Group of Schools of Cabeceiras de Basto
- Group of Schools Bissaya Barreto (Castanheira Pera)
- Group of Schools of Figueiró dos Vinhos
- Group of Schools of Góis
- Group of Schools Marinha Grande Poente
- Group of Schools of Melgaço
- Municipality of Figueiró dos Vinhos
- Group of Schools of Miranda do Corvo
- Group of Schools Morgado de Mateus (Vila Real)
- Group of Schools Muralhas do Minho EB2+3/S (Valença)
- Group of Schools Escalada (Pampilhosa da Serra)
- Group of Schools Infante D. Pedro (Penela)
- Group of Schools of Pombal
- Group of Schools of Taipas – Guimarães
- Group of Schools Coimbra West - Coimbra
- Professional School of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vagos
Communication between intervening services and overlapping areas
Implementation Period
A school year
Main Results
School Mediation Project