Project: TALE

This is a European project supported by the European Commission within the framework of Child-Friendly Justice.
Intervention Area
Target Group
Children involved in the project, lawyers, judicial magistrates, prosecutors, and other professionals within the justice system.
General Objectives
- To provide theoretical and practical training to legal professionals accompanying and/or representing children and young people in judicial proceedings through the discussion of actual cases that have been accompanied by the legal services of each of the institutions participating in this project to increase knowledge about national and international instruments for the protection of Children’s Rights.
- To ensure that the practice of legal practitioners includes the opinion of children and young people: they will act as defenders of their own rights, express their needs and views on their own terms and help develop language and materials that are adaptable to children and young people.
- To produce and distribute practical online material that can easily be adapted to the legal/judicial context of each member of the European Union and that are of universal use so that they can be distributed in all member states of the European Union and used for at the end of this particular project.
- To promote and strengthen the exchange of information and good practice among legal practitioners on children’s rights at European Union level.
Scope (National or International)
National and European
Identification of External Partnerships
- Save the Children (Italy)
- Unido Escuola Superiore dell' Avvocatura (Italy)
- La Merced Migraciones Fundacion (Spain)
- Save the Children (Romania)
- University of Liverpool (United Kingdom)
- Defence for Children International (Belgium)
Communication between intervening services and overlapping areas
Legal Service / CEDI / Project Rua
Implementation Period
1/11/2015 – 31/12/2017
Main Results
- The training offered under this project will improve the approach of legal professionals in their relationship with the children they represent, including knowledge of national and international legal instruments to protect the Rights of the Child in its day-to-day practice.
- The active participation of children involved in legal proceedings in workshops will ensure that the perspective of children will be taken into account in the content provided, ensuring that the materials produced will be relevant and respond to the needs and interests of children.
- Finally, the production of quality online materials will ensure, through dissemination, that these contents become accessible to a large number of indirect beneficiaries.
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