Books published by IAC

Guide Growing up with Rights: Pedagogical Actions at School

This guide aims to make known the work developed by the Rua Project, in terms of preventing failure, dropping out and violence in a school context, through awareness-raising sessions on the Rights and Duties of the Child, held in schools. On sale.
A Portuguese Child: what kind of hosting?: Report

A Portuguese Child: what kind of hosting?: Report

This report provides a global survey of child protection and education services in Portugal and their evolution, as well as other measures that contribute to equal opportunities for women in employment and leisure.

Alerta Premika! : A risky online game: what now, Tiago?

This book is presented as a playful-pedagogical tool for children between 8 and 11 years old in the context of Internet safety. It is based on the narratives collected in the field, by the researcher and co-author Teresa Castro, and which gave substance to this collection written by three hands with Cláudia Manata and Raquel Palermo. In order to translate research into a useful product for society, this collection is particularly aimed at children, their families and teachers and educators. Stories are built step by step, based on choices that lead to different outcomes. Throughout the narrative, the reader is faced with several choices and each choice (which has the number of the page to which the reader must “jump”) leads to different ends (results of decisions), awakening in the reader the desire to start over, choosing the other way. It is intended to give the reader the opportunity to reflect on their choices, participating in the narrative. This methodology, in addition to being dynamic and reflective, intends to involve generations in conducting the plot, inviting adults and children to establish dialogue about the risks and opportunities of the Internet. Click to buy

Alerta Premika! : Threat on social networks! What now, Marta?

The first volume of the “Premika Alert! Online risk detected”, a collection for 1st and 2nd school-cycle children in the field of Internet safety. In addition to the history, the book has a set of “tips” for surfing the Internet safely which can be read and discussed within family. It also features a glossary. Click to buy.

Animator’s Guide: Ideas and Practices for Creating and Innovating

This guide brings together some of the best practices used throughout the existence of the IAC/Projecto Rua with children, young people and families whom we have accompanied. It is a practical instrument, easy to learn and apply. This Guide is intended for animators, educators, teachers and all those who believe in the power of animation as an essential tool in the intervention with children and young people.

Assisted Reproduction: techniques, ethics and law

Assisted Reproduction: techniques, ethics and law

It is a cliché expression but it remains true that man has already surpassed the boldest predictions of Huxley and Orwell regarding the techniques of reproduction. Current assisted reproduction techniques dissociate, first, the sexual act from fertilization, and then, fertilization from pregnancy.

Being a Child… Growing Up in the City: Minutes from the Meeting

Being a Child… Growing Up in the City: Minutes from the Meeting

How do children live in the city(ies)? What new opportunities and new risks are involved in the processes of socialization in large urban centers? What are the implications of these factors in the definition of education, health and urban planning policies? Will the profound changes in the framework of family life and in the structure of families impose a rethinking of children’s rights? How do children see and represent the city where they live?

Blue Book: Prevention of Child Abuse

The Blue Book is aimed at younger children and its main purpose is to raise awareness, inform and provide some strategies on such a sensitive issue and of which, unfortunately, so many children are victims. It helps them understand what might be happening to them or someone close to them, what is right or wrong and how to ask for help. In this atypical period that we are all experiencing and which leads us to social isolation, there are concerns about the most vulnerable children who are far from the eyes of those who could protect them. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, in its article 19, says that all children must be protected against abuse and neglect. We leave here the appeal for all of us to always remember this, not only in April – international month for the prevention of child abuse, but during every month and every day of the year. And now, more than ever, we all have the obligation to be the protectors of these Children who depend on us to defend them! Click to read.

Challenges of adopted children : what is expected?

“Adoption means providing a family to children who cannot be raised in the families into which they were born i. e. in their families of origin” (Salvaterra, 2011, p. 15). The integration of a child born in another family and at an older age can mean that the adoptive parents do not have full knowledge…