Categoria: Books

From SOS-Child to School Mediation

Through a culture of shared responsibility, between the Municipality of Lisbon and the IAC, a contribution is being made to the development of actions in the school community aimed at implementing measures linked to prevention policies. The IAC project “From SOS-Child to School Mediation” seeks to develop actions that contribute to the construction of a broad educational social network which responds to the needs of the school community, acting for the benefit of education/learning tailored to each student. Click to read.

Disappearance and Sexual Exploitation of Children: Situation in Portugal

Disappearance and Sexual Exploitation of Children: Situation in Portugal

This work includes the Directory of Portuguese Non-Governmental Organizations that combat the Disappearance and Sexual Exploitation of Children, the national report on these two issues, interviews with key people (PJ inspector, Public Prosecutor, High Authority for the Media), definitions related to the disappearance and sexual exploitation of children, as well as presentations at the European Conference on the two topics organized by the IAC on 9 October 2003.

From Words to Action (2013)

“Cadernos 2013 – das Palavras aos Atos” (2013 Notebooks – From Words to Acts”) initiative. ESAN (European Social Action Network) invited the IAC to collaborate in the initiative as it had done in 2000 – “CAHIERS 2000 – Le dire pour act”. This initiative aims to give voice to the most excluded – children, young people and families accompanied by IAC – Projecto Rua who were then able to express their opinion, through drawings or writing about their current situation. Click to read.

Recreational Culture, Tradition and Modernity

Recreational Culture, Tradition and Modernity

The texts that make up the “Cadernos da Actividade Lúdica” collection allow the dissemination of contributions from participants who have enriched, with their intervention, conferences, round tables, meetings and other events on games, toys, toy libraries and outdoor play spaces, organized by the sector of the IAC Playful Activity. This volume includes five texts by Graça Guedes, João Amado, José Veiga, Manuela Hasse and Jorge Crespo.

A Portuguese Child: what kind of hosting?: Report

A Portuguese Child: what kind of hosting?: Report

This report provides a global survey of child protection and education services in Portugal and their evolution, as well as other measures that contribute to equal opportunities for women in employment and leisure.

Child, Teenager and Health: Law

Child, Teenager and Health: Law

This work, with a foreword by Maria de Belém Roseira and a preface by Dulce Rocha, aims to inform Parents, Health Professionals, Teachers and the general public about the instruments that protect children in the health area in Portugal. The six chapters present the laws and other legal provisions that, in relation to the Child, illustrate the Right to Health and Access to Health Services, Protection of Maternity, Paternity and Adoption, School Health, Child Victims of Abuse, Adolescents and Children and Young People with Disabilities.

Growing and Appearing

The IAC, aware of the need for parental education, the absence of valid instruments for this purpose, and that this work constitutes an important support for those who deliver training to populations, promoted the publication of this book. It is therefore, as noted on the cover, a “recommended reading for parents’ schools”. It is also worth noting that the texts are scripts for the daily television episodes entitled “Manuel e Beatriz”, which served as a means of transmitting in accessible language information on the defense of children’s rights and many other essential dissemination topics in a country with such great needs in the area of education.