Categoria: Books

Recreational Contexts and Children with Special Needs

Recreational Contexts and Children with Special Needs

The texts that make up the collection “Cadernos da Actividade Lúdica” allow the dissemination of contributions from participants whose intervention has enriched conferences, round tables, meetings and other events on games, toys, toy libraries and outdoor play spaces, organized by the IAC’s Recreational Activity Sector. This volume includes texts by several renowned authors.

The Advisory Board of the IAC

The IAC Advisory Board publication was released during the public presentation ceremony of the IAC Advisory Board, which brings together a group of distinguished personalities with a path linked to the promotion of the Rights of the Child. Click to read.

International Conference of Toy Libraries

International Conference of Toy Libraries

The International Association of Toy Libraries (ITLA) promotes every three years and never on the same continent, a Conference that constitutes, worldwide, a moment of exchange of ideas, experiences and materials. Given the innovative nature of the toy library movement initiated by the IAC in our country, the IAC was entrusted with the responsibility of organizing this Conference. This work presents dozens of summaries of interventions on the experiences and reflections of the best Portuguese and world professionals.

The Hospitalized Child Charter: Annotations

The Hospitalized Child Charter: Annotations

Twenty professionals (paediatricians, judges, teachers, nurses, etc.) involved in the defense of the Child comment on the ten principles that are part of the Charter for Hospitalized Children, at the rate of two per principle. In this way, they contribute to making this document better known to all those who are interested in the well-being of the Child in general and the hospitalized Child in particular, helping them and their families to bear the pain of illness and separation.

Chart of the Hospitalized Child

This publication illustrated by the French illustrator Pef, summarizes and reaffirms the 10 rights of hospitalized children and is a very useful tool for: health/education professionals, parents, the general public and institutions concerned with the rights of the Child. The Charter’s ten points help doctors and nurses to see the child, his/her family and all those who care for him/her, as a whole and to accept children as partners in all areas of health care. Click to read.

Psycho-pedagogical Aspects of Recreational Activity

Publication of the intervention of Prof. Arquimedes Santos at the 1st Exhibition of Pedagogical Materials, at the Escola Superior de Educação de Setúbal, in November 1988. In the preface Natália Pais from IAC writes that “the contribution of this work to the development of recreational activities, especially in its psycho-pedagogical aspect, completes the notion of the toy in its relationship with the symbolic function”. Click to read.

Alerta Premika! : Threat on social networks! What now, Marta?

The first volume of the “Premika Alert! Online risk detected”, a collection for 1st and 2nd school-cycle children in the field of Internet safety. In addition to the history, the book has a set of “tips” for surfing the Internet safely which can be read and discussed within family. It also features a glossary. Click to buy.

Pain is… always Painful: The Meeting Summary

Pain is… always Painful: The Meeting Summary

The denial of pain in the child is an ancestral habit and not yet abandoned. Countless testimonies and the procedures used by those who have the duty, if not professional at least ethical, to control pain prove it. It is our objective to carry out an informal assessment of current attitudes and behaviour towards pain in children and to seek consensus on the procedures to be adopted.

Pain in Children: Guideline for Approaches and Proceedings

Pain in Children: Guideline for Approaches and Proceedings

The IAC, always at the forefront of humanization in the treatment of Children, publishes this useful and practical guide as a tool for the day to day of the operatives who are involved in the fight against pain in Paediatrics. This guide suggests methods for assessing, measuring and recording pain, as well as proposing therapeutic plans for pharmacological and non-pharmacological multimodal analgesia.