About Us
The Instituto de Apoio à Criança (The Child Support Institute) was founded in 1983 with the fundamental objective of the integral development of Child and the Defense of their Rights, seeking at every moment to be the Voice that calls attention, pressures, acts and carries out actions that help more Children live with joy the time of being Children.
A group of people from different professional areas – doctors, magistrates, teachers, psychologists, social service technicians, educators – gave life to a new Project of hope for a better world for our Children.

It should be noted that the IAC was created in 1983 and only in 1989 was the Convention on the Rights of the Child approved by the United Nations.
In Portugal, as in most other countries, there is now a greater concern for the child, seen as a subject of rights. Rights that cover not only civil rights, but also economic, cultural and social rights and even new rights such as the right to a healthy environment, where the child can grow and develop in a balanced way.
In this path taken in defense of better conditions, more well-being and more dignity for children, the Instituto de Apoio à Criança also has its place.
Primarily with information and awareness programmes, but also with a very strong commitment to direct intervention projects, in areas not previously covered by the State or by other entities. In this perspective, the problem of children at risk, abandoned or abused or sexually abused has been our main priority since the beginning.
Due to our contribution, public and multidisciplinary talks were made for the first time about very serious problems that affect our children, such as abused children and victims of sexual abuse, as well as the dissemination of experiences of community intervention and the various forms of welcoming preschool children. Noteworthy is the dynamism of the projects developed by Street Work “Em Família para Crescer”, the only innovative project approved for Portugal in 1989 under the European Community’s Programme for the Fight against Poverty; SOS – Criança (116,111) that did not exist in Portugal and through which since 1988 many Children have been saved, the SOS – Criança Desaparecida (Missing Child (116 000)). Since 2001, the IAC has been part of the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children.
The Atividade Lúdica (Play Activity) with more than 700 recreational spaces created by the IAC and the Humanização dos Serviços de Atendimento à Criança em Pediatria (Humanization of Child Care Services in Pediatrics), have also had the considerable dynamism throughout the country, through which, for example, we have sought to help create an environment of more comfort and human warmth for our Children and Youth and their Families. In this regard, the Chart of the Hospitalized Child, which is in all Pediatric Hospitals and Health Centers, should be highlighted.
The IAC also has the Center for Studies, Documentation and Information on Children, which, using the most up-to-date information technology, supports technicians from different institutions, students from different levels of education, especially from University education, the media and the community in general.
The Legal Service stands out for its legal assistance and referral of specific cases and the dissemination of legislation relating to children, such as the publication of the 3rd edition of the Guide to the Rights of the Child – a compilation of the entire existing legislation on Children. In the area of External Relations, the IAC promotes and develops contacts with national and international entities concerned with policies for the protection of children and youth.
In Coimbra, the IAC-Forum Construir Juntos (below the IAC-FCJ) promotes and coordinates, at national level, the Rede Construir Juntos. It is an informal network whose purpose is to enhance the synergies of actions in the fight against social exclusion. It currently brings together about 100 institutions with responsibility in the area of childhood and youth.
The IAC – FCJ also implements actions in the area of School Mediation, stimulating and providing technical support to the Gabinetes de Apoio ao Aluno e à Família (Student and Family Support Offices), north of Leiria, as well as in the training area, promoting Training/In-forming and Awareness Actions.
In 1993, the IAC created the Núcleo dos Açores as an entity at the service of children, based on statutorily defined principles and objectives, adapting activities to regional problems. Currently, the Instituto de Apoio à Criança – Azores has autonomy in terms of the activity plan and in terms of finance.
The IAC – Açores seeks to raise awareness among public and private entities in a concerted action in favour of Children. For this purpose it develops a set of actions that cover, among others, recreational activities, street work with children in risk situation and position of and marginality as well as telephone answering service.
The Defense and Promotion of the Rights of the Child is always our main objective and priority. Attentive to the new realities of our time, the IAC has already presented a document on the Superior Interest of the Child in the Assembly of the Republic, to provoke a serious reflection on the situation when different interests are in conflict, such as the case of biological and affective parents or divorce or separation of parents. Hand in hand with other institutions, sharing and sharing knowledge, we thus give a voice to people who work in the field, we foster informal networks and innovative projects, in a deep sense of responsibility and civic awareness.
With the goal of contributing to the construction of a less painful future for our children, IAC, today, continues on the path, and wants to do more and better, wants to go further and seek to encourage, support and disseminate the work of all those who are concerned with the search for new answers to the problems of childhood in Portugal.
The Bar Association awarded the IAC the Ângelo d’Almeida Ribeiro Human Rights Prize, in 2005 as public recognition of the action developed by Institute which since its foundation has developed its activity in the promotion of the Rights of the Child, designing innovative projects in terms of principles and methodology, in the fight against violence, poverty and discrimination. Today the Institute is a reference in Portuguese society and is recognized internationally. Also at national level, the IAC received the 2014 Human Rights Prize, awarded by the Assembly of the Republic, the Medal of Distinguished Services awarded by the Ministry of Health and the Medal of Honour of Social Security in 2015. Recently, the work undertaken by the IAC to promote the Portuguese cultural and citizenship values was recognized by the Portuguese Society of Authors with the attribution of the Pro-Author Award, in May 2016.
With technical knowledge and love, we will continue to implement the utopia of serving the CHILD.
Manuela Ramalho Eanes
Honorary President of the Instituto de Apoio à Criança
March 2017
The History of IAC in Images
Historical Landmarks
Decade of the 1980s
Decade of the 1990s
Decade of the 2000s
Decade of the 2010s
Decade of the 2020s
Decade of the 1980s
- IAC Foundation: Main objective: to contribute to the integral development of Child, in the defense and promotion of their rights, seeking at every moment to be the voice that calls attention, pressures, acts and carries out actions that help more children to live with joy the time to be a Child. The IAC‘s main priority has always been children at risk, abandoned, abused, missing and sexually exploited.
- The Toy Libraries Activity sector was created – characterization of playrooms and recreational spaces.
- Seminar “Child in Portugal: What Rights?” held at the Gulbenkian Foundation in collaboration with the Center for Judicial Studies and the Society of Social Pediatrics. It was the first time in Portugal that, in a multidisciplinary and public way, the taboo on violence against children was broken, given that not even the media was aware of this issue.
- The Regional Nucleus of Coimbra of the IAC was created on November 8, 1985.
- Meeting “The Drugs in Portugal Today– What Answers?” in collaboration with the Association Prevention of Substances Consumptions and Center for the Study and Prophylaxis of Drugs.
- The launch of the quarterly publication “Boletim do IAC” took place in January 1988. The aim is to support and disseminate the work of all those concerned with the search for new answers to the problems of children in Portugal. It illustrates the intervention of the IAC at different levels: health, social, education, etc.
- Creation of the telephone line to give voice to the Child – O SOS-Criança on November 22nd. Questioned by some at the time, it is now considered a public utility service, having followed around 60,000 children since its creation.
- Meeting “Working with Nannies and Family Nurseries” in collaboration with the European Child Care Network, 28-30 November at FCG.
- The IACedits the work “Growing and Appearing”. On April 18, 1988, it was launched at the Cerebral Palsy Center in Lisbon. This book is a posthumous tribute to João dos Santos, founding partner No. 1 of the IAC.
- The IAC began work on the issue of street children, creating a pioneering project in the European Community and receiving praise for its methodology and initiative with street children. This project – Street work with children at risk or in situations of marginality was created under the 3rd European Programme for the Fight against Poverty (Poverty III).
- Creation of the Hospitals Humanization Working Group
Decade of the 1990s
- Launch of the first edition of “Guia dos Direitos da Criança” (Guide to the Rights of Children) by Aurora Fonseca.
- Meeting “Playing how and why…” January 23-25 at the Rectory Auditorium of the University of Coimbra.
- International Meeting on “Street Children – Models of Intervention” from 25 to 28 of June, organized by IAC and by UNICEF.
- Due to the need for specialized information about children in their different aspects, the Documentation Center for Children (CDI) was created. It was, in relation to Children, the first multidisciplinary collection. It is currently called the Center for Studies, Documentation and Information on Children (CEDI).
- Edition of the book “Psicopedagógicos Aspectos da Actividade Lúdica” – Author: Arquimedes da Silva Santos.
- Meeting “The Play and Child Development: Research Perspectives”.
- Launch of the book “Jogos e Brinquedos Tradicionais” – Authors: João Amado and Manuela Hasse.
- The IAC – Coimbra Nucleus is officially constituted with its own headquarters.
- Organization of the Meeting “Brincar, Como and Porquê…” at the Auditorium of the Rectory of the University of Coimbra, 23-25 January.
- Launch of the book “O Jogo Infantil: organização das ludotecas” – Author: Maria de Borja Solé.
- Moving of the IAC Headquarters to Largo da Memória, 14 in Ajuda.
- Os Jogos no Mediterrâneo (The Games in the Mediterranean) – Children’s Playful Practices Meeting, January 13-15 at FCG.
- Launch of the Information Sheet produced by the Projeto Rua – Em Família para Crescer sector. Objective: to share and transfer intervention methodologies to national and international partners, as well as to society in general. It provides information on the various activities in the sector, as well as on the target group.
- Launch of the book “Reprodução Assistida: as Técnicas, a Ética e a Lei” (“Assisted Reproduction: Techniques, Ethics and the Law”) – Author: José Manuel Ramos de Almeida.
- Creation of the IAC Center in the Azores in Ponta Delgada on April 1st.
- Organization of the International Seminar “A Criança Portuguesa no Limiar do Novo Século” (“The Portuguese Child at the Threshold of the New Century”), 7-9 June at FCG.
- Inauguration of the IAC Headquarters at Largo da Memória, 14 in Ajuda, 10 March.
- Commemorative Session 10 years of theIAC at the FCG, March 11th.
- 2nd Meeting “O Jogo e o Desenvolvimento da Criança: Perspectivas de Investigação” (“Game and Child Development: Research Perspectives”) January 10-12 at FCG.
- The Legal Service sector is created.
- Increased training and awareness-raising work in the area of Children’s Rights with governmental (namely Judiciary Police, other Security Forces and Social Reinsertion Institute) and non-governmental partners, Teachers Unions, Schools (primary school cycle 2 and 3; Professionals), Universities and Institutes of Higher Education. In the area of Children’s Rights with Governmental and Non-Governmental Institutions and with the active participation of IAC technicians in various Committees for the Protection of Children and Youth.
- 2nd Meeting “O Jogo e o Desenvolvimento da Criança: Perspectivas de Investigação” (“Game and Child Development: Research Perspectives”)
- 6th International Meeting of Playrooms and Outdoor Gaming Spaces – Hotel Altis in Lisbon 24-27 May.
- The Community Liaison Actions – LAC began in 1994 with the existing institutions in the parish of Ajuda. Its main objective would be to develop coordinated activities between existing institutions in the parish in order to meet the needs of the most needy and discriminated populations (children and young people and their families).
- The Child Care Services Humanization Sector is created.
- The Toy Library Activity Training Plan – “Acção de Formação Psicologia de Desenvolvimento: Implicações Pedagógicas” (“Development Psychology Training Action: Pedagogical Implications” – January 17-19 at the FCG Education Department. “Acção Como fazer um projecto para implementação de uma Ludoteca” (Action How to make a project to implement a Toy Library”), 31 January and 10 February.
- Children’s Party – IAC Luxor and the Hotel Meridian held the Children’s Party on April 2nd in Lisbon.
- Training Action on “Ludicidade e Igualdade na Diferença” (“Playfulness and Equality in Difference”) organized by the Nucleus of IAC Coimbra.
- The Ludic Activity Group carried out three training sessions on dramatic expression, toy libraries and spaces for playing and playing with paper, in March and April.
- 6th Street Animators Training Course, April 10th and 13th at Francisco Gentil Superior Nursing School. The course was attended by the Projeto Rua team and 60 trainees.
- Signing of a Cooperation Protocol between the IAC and ISPA, based on the realization of the Rights of the Child expressed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- Protocol signed between the IAC, Civil Government of Coimbra, Social Reinsertion Institute, Higher Institute of Social Service of Coimbra and the association Integrar with a view to developing the project “Working with Children/Youths in the Street” on 26 April.
- Training action “Oficina da Palavra/Oficina de Histórias” under the guidance of writer António Torrado in May.
- Workshop “Construção de Jogos e Brinquedos – o recurso aos desperdícios” (“Construction of Games and Toys – the use of waste”), in June.
- Organization of the Meeting “A Criança e os Serviços de Saúde” (“Children and Health Services – Humanizing Care”) January 16-17 at FCG. At the meeting, the Portuguese version of the responsibility of the IAC of the Charter for Hospitalized Children of the European Association for Children in Hospital – EACH was presented.
- Presentation of the Report on Child Labour in Portugal (IAC and CNASTI Coordination) at a press conference on 27 February.
- Beginning of School Mediation/Office of Support for Students and the Family (GAAF) of the IAC in the academic year 1996/97 at Primary Escola 2+3 Francisco de Arruda in Lisbon.
- The Rede Construir Juntos was formally established on July 1, 1997 in the presence of the Secretary of State for Social Inclusion at the seminar “Famílias não Estruturadas – Metodologia de Trabalho” (“Unstructured Families – Intervention Methodologies”) within the scope of the European initiative for actions and studies in favour of the family.
- VII Meeting of Play Libraries and Outdoor Play Spaces – 3 to 5 February in the Auditorium of the Rectory of the University of Coimbra.
- Manuela Eanes, President of the IAC, was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Infante by the President of the Republic on March 8th.
- Forum “Humanização dos Cuidados Prestados à Criança em Serviços de Saúde” (“Humanization of Child Care in Health Services”) March 15 at FCG.
- “Meeting. 15 years, 1983 – 1998” at the National Library, March 11 and Workshop – March 12 at FCG.
- Organization of the meeting “Ser Criança…Crescer na Cidade” (“Being a Child… Growing up in the City”).
- Publication of the book “Cultura Lúdica, tradição e modernidade” (“Play Culture, Tradition and Modernity”).
- Launch of “Guia dos Direitos da Criança” – 2nd ed., authored by Aurora Fonseca and Ana Perdigão, in the Senate Room at the Assembly of the Republic on June 1st.
- VIII Meeting of Playrooms and Outdoor Play Spaces, March 23-25 in Évora.
Decade of the 2000s
- 1st Meeting “Humanizar a Relação Educativa” (“Humanizing the Educational Relationship”) February 3rd and 4th at the Superior Institute of Engineering in Coimbra.
- 1st Meeting “Dar voz às Crianças da Ajuda” (“Give a voice to the Children of Ajuda”), June 2 at the Academia Recreativa da Ajuda.
- Meeting “A dor é … sempre que dói” (“Pain is… whenever it hurts”) at FCG.
- International Meeting “Criança em Perigo, que Futuro?” (“Child in Danger, What Future?”) October 9th and 10th at the Natália Correia Municipal Auditorium in Lisbon.
- Start of the Study “Analysis of Children’s Living Conditions”, in the city of Lisbon – partnership between the IAC and the Economics and Management Institute (ISEG).
- With a purpose to combat situations of disappearance, abduction and sexual abuse of minors, the IAC was invited to join the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children. The Federation was officially presented on May 4, 2001, at the European Parliament, by Commissioners António Vitorino and Nicole Fontaine and brings together 19 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) representing 15 European countries.
- National meeting of toy libraries workers, April 5 at FCG.
- Commemorative Session of the 18th anniversary of the IAC, July 11 at the Assembly of the Republic, with a lecture by Graça Machel “Childhood Protection – Progress and Challenges”.
- Inauguration of the Play-Pedagogical Unit of Projecto Rua, July 26th in Lisbon.
- “New Challenges” meeting – January 16 at the Bom Pastor Spirituality Centre, Buraca.
- Launch of the book “Acolhimento e Estadia da Criança Children, Adolescents and Health: Legislation” on March 13 in Lisbon.
- Meeting “Children, Health and Law”, May 2nd and 3rd at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
- 9th International Toy Libraries Conference, 13-17 May, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon.
- European Conference “Disappearance and Sexual Exploitation of Children“ which took place in the new auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic, October 9th.
- Meeting “Children’s Reception and Stay in Health Services – From Reality to Utopia. From Emotion to Competence” October 23rd and 24th, at the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
- 9th National Meeting of Playrooms and Outdoor Play Spaces “Play, Smile and Grow”, 5-7 November, of the Superior School of Business Sciences (University Center of Setúbal).
- The IAC and the Drug and Drug Addiction Institute renewed on March 1, 2004 the Collaboration Protocol existing since 2003 between the two institutions, with the aim of promoting a Preventive Intervention in Lisbon in different schools. Middle School.
- The Sector da Humanização (Humanization Sector) of the IAC held, on March 26, in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Auditorium 2, the meeting “From Conception to the Newborn – Humanization of Care”, which was attended by around 180 participants. This meeting arose within the scope of the 8th European Conference of EACH (European Association for Children in Hospital), which takes place every two years, and this year was also organized by the Humanization Sector, in Lisbon, between the 24th and 28th of March.
- 7th Meeting “Giving a voice to the Children of Ajuda”. April 28, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. As has been a tradition in this parish, the socio-educational institutions were committed to its preparation, which lasted about six months. About 300 participants were present (adults and children) who once again took “their voice” as far as possible and in different ways: in debate, asking the guests questions that make them think and question and presenting their work on display and/or stage.
- Construir Juntos Network National Meeting, “…Quero apensas uma família”… – Responsabilidade Parental – Adopção: um projecto de vida com futuro (“I just want a family…” – Parental Responsibility – Adoption: a life project with a future”), which took place on April 30, 2004, in the Coordination and Development Commission Auditorium Regional Center in Coimbra.
- Beginning of the Study “Analysis of the Levels of Children’s Well-Being”, municipalities in Greater Lisbon (Amadora, Cascais, Lisbon, Loures, Oeiras, Odivelas and Sintra) – in a partnership between the Child Support Institute (IAC), Instituto Superior of Economics and Management (ISEG) and the Faculty of Human Motricity (FMH) – schools of the Technical University of Lisbon -, and the Regional Directorate of Education of Lisbon (DREL).
- Signing of a cooperation protocol between the IAC and the Ministry of Internal Administration on 24 May. Within its scope and in addition to 15 other measures of great importance, the IAC promotes the creation of an easily accessible toll-free number, intended to be used in relation to Missing and Sexually Exploited Children.
- IAC creates the telephone line 1410 – SOS-Missing Children. Date: May 24th.
- Meeting “Disappearance and Sexual Exploitation of Children: situation in Portugal“ – 25 May in the new auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic. IAC celebrates for the first time in Portugal the 25th of May, the International Day of Missing Children.
- Launch of the book and CD “Desaparecimento e Exploração Sexual de Crianças – Situação em Portugal” (“Disappearance and Sexual Exploitation of Children – Situation in Portugal”). These publications are a start to a stronger awareness of the problem of missing and sexually exploited children.
- This year the Toy Library Activity Sector launched a CD-Rom with the proceedings of the 9th National Meeting of Toy Libraries and Outdoor Play Spaces “Brincar, Sorrir e Crescer” (“Play, Smile and Grow”).
- Meeting “A Dor na Criança – Atendimento de Crianças e Jovens nos Centros de Saúde” (“Pain in Children – Assistance to Children and Youth in Health Centers”) September 29 in the Auditorium of the Health Sub-Region of Setúbal.
- Reflection Meeting for the Defense and Promotion of Children’s Rights, March 2 at Flamenga Municipal Space – IAC – Projecto Rua.
- Meeting “Crianças e Jovens em Perigo – Partilhar para Adequar” (“Children and Youth in Danger – Sharing to Render Adequate”) April 7, at the Portuguese Youth Institute – Delegation of Moscavide – IAC – Projeto Rua.
- Public presentation of the Research Project “Analysis of the Levels of Children’s Well-Being”, 12th of May, in Amphitheatre 3 of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, a partnership between the IAC, DREL, ISEG and FMH. The target group of this research work is 20% of the children who attend the 3rd and 4th years of primary schooling, in the public network of seven of those municipalities.
- SOS-Criança Desaparecida was invited by Madragoa Filmes to participate in a debate and clarification session on the issue of Missing Children on October 21, as part of the screening of the film Alice, by Marco Martins, at Cinema King.
- Construir Juntos Forum, in partnership with Artenave Atelier, held a meeting of the Construir Juntos Network in Moimenta da Beira, on October 28th.
- Award of the ngelo de Almeida Ribeiro Human Rights Award to the IAC by the Portuguese Bar Association. The event took place on December 10 at the Salão Nobre of the Portuguese Bar Association, with the presence of the President of the Republic.
- As of 2006, the Coimbra Center is renamed IAC-Forum Construir Juntos, assuming since that year the coordination and dynamization of the Construir Juntos Network. It is a network of institutions in the area of childhood and youth, which aims to promote the national debate on combating social exclusion.
- Beginning of the Educar e Formar para Inserir Project of the IAC – Projecto Rua, March.
- Construir Juntos Forum organized the meeting of the Construir Juntos Network in Recardães, Aveiro, in partnership with the Social and Parish Center of Recardães, on March 29th.
- IAC celebrated its 23rd anniversary on March 14th with the meeting “Ser Criança Hoje: Vários Olhares” (“Being a Child Today – Several Looks”). Two panels: “Children: the right to Utopia – Utopia revisited” and “Being a Child – Where is the Risk?”, theme for a conference by Leon du Jardin, president of the European Social Action Network.
- Meeting “Welcome and Stay of Children and Young People at the Hospital” March 15-17 at the Amphitheatre of Hospital Júlio de Matos.
- Launch of the book “Welcome and Stay for Children and Young People at the Hospital” produced by the Humanization sector.
- Launch of the book “Maria de Lourdes-Levy: porque não desisto!”.
- Launch of the book “Dor na Criança: Guia de Atitudes e Procedimentos”.
- Meeting “Children and Families at Risk” (GAAF), took place on the 6th and 7th of April, at the Manuel da Maia School in Lisbon.
- Rede Construir Juntos meeting in Leiria in partnership with the Escola Superior de Educação, with the aim of presenting, revitalizing and expanding the Rede Construir Juntos; Promote greater mobilization of civil society and raise awareness of the issue of Disappearance and/or Sexual Exploitation of Children. Date: June 21st.
- 1st GAAF Meeting 2006-2007 “Família …para integração” (“Family… for integration”) October 3rd and 4th, at the Portuguese Youth Institute.
- Meeting on Disappearance and Sexual Exploitation of Children, Forum Construir Juntos held on February 9th, in partnership with Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Fundão and the Local Social Action Service, in the Auditorium of the Eugénio de Andrade Library, another Meeting of the Network Build Together.
- II European Conference “Missing and Sexually Exploited Children”, in the New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic, 25 May.
- Launch of the CD “Child Pornography: Exame da Legislação – type at World Scale-2006”.
- Meeting “For the Defense of Children’s Rights – New Realities, New Interests, New Challenges”, April 19, FCG, tribute at this meeting to Matilde Rosa Araújo – writer for children, founding partner of the IAC and Director of the IAC Bulletin.
- Signing of a Protocol between the IAC and the Associação Crianças Desfavorecidas – Cooperation with Cape Verde – in the context of the fight against child labour, the protection and integration of children in and on the street, 2 May.
- Annual Evaluation Meeting of the Rede Construir Juntos, in the auditorium of the Portuguese Youth Institute, 25 September.
- Training Action “Intervention with Children and Youth in Danger, integrated in Reception Centres” in Míndelo, S. Vicente Island in Cape Verde with IAC workers – Projecto Rua, 5 and 9 November.
- I Seminar “Infância, Cidadania e Jornalismo – Quando Criançass e Jovens são Notícia” (“Childhood, Citizenship and Journalism – When Children and Youth are News”), partnership with IAC, Media and Journalism Research Center (CIMJ) and National Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth at Risk (CNPCJR), November 5th and 6th at FCG.
- 1st GAAF Meeting 2007/08, December 3rd and 4th, at the Orlando Ribeiro Auditorium, in Telheiras, Lisbon, in a joint organization of IAC/ SOS Criança/ School Mediation – Lisbon/ Coimbra.
- Under the protocol established between the Carrefour International Foundation and the IAC in 2005, a ceremony for the delivery of certificates to trainees took place on 18 December (Project Educar e Formar para Inserir), with the presence of the Assistant Secretary of State for Education, Jorge Pereira in the space of the Projecto Educar e Formar para Insert, in Bela Vista (Lisbon).
- The IAC celebrates 25 Years of its foundation.
- Creation of INFOCEDI – Edited by the Center for Studies, Documentation and Information on Children (CEDI) Thematic digital periodical on children. First issue in February on “Violence in Schools”.
- The IAC publishes “Children’s Superior Interest from the Perspective of Respect for Their Rights”. In English “A Path of Utopia – Creating Reality – 25 Years”. In French “Vers une Utopie – Construisant une Réalité – 25 Ans”;
- The IAC publishes electronically (CD): “Aspectos Psicopedagógicos da Actividade Lúdica” (“Psychopedagogical Aspects of Playful Activity”), “Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança” (“Convention on the Rights of the Child”), “A Crianaça e os Maus-Tratos” (“Children and Mistreatment”), “Linhas de Ajuda e Outras Práticas de Intervenção no mbito da Criança” (“Help Lines and Other Intervention Practices in the Scope of the Child”); “Pornografia Infantil: Legislação Modelo e Análise Global” (“Child Pornography: Model Legislation and Global Analysis”).
- The IAC delivers the publication “The Superior Interest of the Child…” to the Assembly of the Republic for parliamentary discussion on April 15th.
- III King of Spain Human Rights Award – The Ombudsman decided to nominate the IAC to apply for the Human Rights Award instituted by the University of Alcalá (Madrid) and by the Defender of the Pueblo de España (a homologous body to the Justice Ombudsman of Spain) with the high patronage of His Excellency the King of Spain, D. Juan Carlos I.
- III European Conference on Missing and Sexually Exploited Children – dedicated to the theme of Internet Security, 20 May, in the New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic.
- The IAC was publicly recognized for its merit with a period of the Order of Merit by the President of the Republic, on June 10th.
- IV World Conference Violence in schools and public policies. Violence at school, violence in context, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. 23-25 June.
- European number 116 111 “Free Child Support Line” was assigned by ANACOM to SOS-Criança, of the IAC. The 116111 will, in the future, replace the now well-known numbers 217931617 and 800202651, currently working as access numbers to the SOS-Criança Service.
- European number (116000) free of charge for reporting cases of missing children, in a partnership between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the IAC. Operational since 25 July.
- The brochure “Instituto de Apoio à Criança – 25 Anos” (“Child Support Institute – 25 years”) is published.
- European Forum on Street Children – Street children as a challenge to social policies and the renewed Lisbon Strategy: the role of civil society as a catalyst for the process of social inclusion of children in general and street children in particular. In collaboration with the European Federation of Street Children – New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic, 6 and 7 October.
- National Meeting of School Mediation Specialists, November 3 at Hotel SANA Lisbon.
- Annual Meeting of the Network, which took place on November 20, at the Auditorium of the Portuguese Youth Institute (IPJ), in Moscavide.
- Project “A Descoberta do Ser…o nascimento, a infância, a adolescência, o adulto” (“The Discovery of Being… birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood”), partnership between the IAC Humanization Sector and the National Coordination for HIV/AIDS of the High Commission for Health. Primary prevention programme in the area of promotion of physical, mental and social health, integrating not only children, but also teachers and parents/guardians.
- InfoCEDI nº 10 December 2008 “Educação para os Direitos Humanos e da Criança” (“Education for Human and Child Rights”).
- The Educar e Formar para Inserir Project now has a new space, in the Condado district – granted by the Lisbon City Council – Gebalis, where the Personal and Theoretical Components operate. This project has produced positive results in terms of the development of personal and social skills of young people, in terms of their certification for the 6th and 9th grade of schooling and, fundamentally, in terms of the socio-professional (re)integration of the young people covered.
- Matilde Sirgado, Coordinator of Projecto Rua, was awarded the 3rd Woman Activa/2008 Prize, on March 8th.
- II GAAF Meeting 2008/2009 “New Skills for Old Demands – multidisciplinary teams at School” 4 and 5 May, at the Auditorium of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.
- In Portugal, the IAC marked the official launch of number 116 000, with a press conference, in room 2 of the Gulbenkian, on May 25th. This number is now used in 10 European countries, thus making it easier: for parents of missing children, to file a complaint; for the public, to provide information about a missing child and for a missing child to ask for help – 116 000 has become the European number for missing children.
- Launch of the Minutes of the 1st Childhood, Citizenship and Journalism Seminar, in November 2007, at Museu da Cidade, Lisbon, on June 18th. Partnership of CIMJ, IAC and the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth at Risk.
- Launch of the book “Guia Metodológico: interromper percursos marginais” (“Methodological Guide: interrupting marginal paths”) which presents the specific intervention methodology used by the Educar e Formar para Inserir project, on the 26th of June.
- The IAC published the 3rd edition of the “Guia dos Direitos da Criança”, by Ana Perdigão and Ana Sotto-Mayor, in a session that took place in the New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic. His presentation was made by IAC President Manuela Ramalho Eanes, 7 July.
- National Meeting of the Rede Construir Juntos, “Youth Violence in the Family and School Context”, November 12 at the IPJ in Moscavide.
- Creation of the IAC blog “Crianças a Torto e a Direitos” – promoted by the Center for Studies, Documentation and Information on Children (CEDI) on December 21st.
- The Humanization sector of the IAC, the Portuguese representative at EACH, re-edited the publication “Carta da Criança Hospitalizada: anotações” (“Charter of the Hospitalized Child: annotations”).
- InfoCEDI nº 20 November 2009 “A Criança com HIV/SIDA” (“The Child with HIV/AIDS”).
Decade of the 2010s
- The IAC increases its presence in social networks with a Facebook page, in order to disseminate IAC events and interact with other institutions and people.
- The annual evaluation of Projecto Rua took place in the auditorium of the D. Pedro V Foundation in Lisbon, on the 25th and 26th of February.
- Project Bullying NO!, the CEDI of the IAC, with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, launched the Bullying NO! Project in March, which provides relevant, reliable and educational information and documentation about bullying in its various aspects, raising awareness for non-violence, and is aimed at schools, associations of parents and guardians, School Mediation agents, health and social specialists, university students, researchers and the general public.
- Elaboration of 10 posters on the Rights of the Child in partnership with students of the CEF of Graphic Design and Multimedia of the Mestre Domingos Saraiva Schools Group in April. Project coordination by IAC-CEDI.
- Training Action “As Crianças e a Gestão do Dinheiro” (“Children and Money Management”) 9 April 2010, at the premises of the Education, Training and Certification Center of Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Lisbon. Action promoted by IAC-CEDI.
- 14th meeting of the European Group of Toy Libraries took place on the 9th and 10th of April, at the premises of the Leisure Activity Sector.
- IAC hosts the first meeting of the European Automated European Abduction Alert System – ECAAS, held in Lisbon on 27 and 28 April 2010.
- 19th Edition of the Training Action for Animators “Em Família para Crescer” – Práticas Relevantes para a mudança de estratégias” (Relevant practices to change strategies”) in Caneças, from 11 to 14 May 2010.
- IV European Conference on Missing and Sexually Exploited Children under the theme “New technologies applied to the search and recovery of Missing Children”. 25th of May in the New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic.
- III GAAF Meeting, “School with everyone and for everyone” 26th May, Municipal House of Culture, Coimbra.
- Launch of the 3rd Edition of the “Guia dos Direitos da Criança” (“Child’s Rights Guide”) – Aula Magna of the Faculty of Medicine of Porto, in May.
- Technicians from IAC/Projecto Rua promote a workshop on interculturality as part of an intercultural exchange, promoted by ACV – Associação Cidadania Activa, a partner association of the IAC in Bairro 6 de Maio (Amadora). Participants: Portugal, UK, Italy, Romania and Lithuania during the month of May.
- Exhibition about the IAC presented at the Ministry of Education’s Storefronts on Av. 5 de Outubro (Lisbon) during the month of June.
- Regional Workshop for Children and Youth, “Trocar os direitos por miúdos” (“Explaining the Rights”) – June 5, at the IPJ in Moscavide.
- Commemoration of International Children’s Day in a special broadcast by Antena 1 recorded on the premises of IAC/Projecto Rua. In addition to some specialists and counsellor judge Armando Leandro (co-founder of the IAC), four young people participated who were able to express their ideas, opinions, thoughts and have an active voice. Date: June.
- Opening of the Exhibition “Children in the World – With Rights” – National Theater Museum – Lisbon, 20 September. The exhibition was created by the IAC – CEDI in partnership with APEI, UNICEF, the European Children in Europe Network and the “Espaço a Brincar” Project of the Lisbon City Council.
- National Meeting of Children and Youth “Partilhar Olhares – Perspectivar Soluções” (“Sharing Looks – Conceive Solutions”), (“De Viva Voz pela Inclusião” Project) in the auditorium of D. Pedro V. Foundation Objectives: Sharing local experiences and drafting a Letter of Recommendations, 6th October.
- InfoCEDI nº 30 October 2010 “Promoção da Leitura nas Bibliotecas Escolares” (“Promotion of Reading in School Libraries”).
- Seminar New Perspectives for Great Challenges (“Viva Voz pela Inclusão” Project) as part of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion – 2010 – Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 22 November.
- Launch of the Audiobook “Histórias com Direitos” – Salão Nobre of ADFA in Lisbon, 26 November. Partnership between IAC and Plátano Editora, a project by IAC-CEDI.
- The IAC, together with other institutions, signed on June 1st, World Children’s Day, in Lisbon, the Letter of Commitment with a view to creating the Forum on the Rights of Children and Youth. The aim of this Forum is to contribute to the defense and promotion of the social, cultural, economic and civil rights of children and young people.
- 20th Training Course for Animators “Educação pela Positiva” 10 – 13 May, Quinta das Águas Férreas, in Caneças.
- V Conference on Missing and Sexually Exploited Children, May 25 at Montepio Auditorium in Lisbon.
- Dissemination actions for the book “Histórias com Direitos” carried out by the IAC-CEDI with the support of the authors in schools, the Book Fair, Jumbo Supermarkets during the month of May and June.
- Training Action “A Intervenção pela Positiva em Situações de Risco” (“Positive Intervention in Risk Situations”, within the scope of the existing collaboration between the IAC – Projecto Rua and IAC-Açores, 11 and 13 de Julho, Ponta Delgada.
- International Conference “O Superior Interesse da Criança e o mito de alienação parental” (“The Superior Interest of the Child and the myth of parental alienation syndrome”) Montepio Auditorium, Lisbon, 3 and 4 November.
- Launch session of the book “Guia do Animador: ideias e práticas para criar e inovar” (2Animator’s Guide: Ideas and Practices to Create and Innovate”) – 18 November, at FNAC – Vasco da Gama – Lisbon.
- Commemorating the 22nd Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Forum on the Rights of Children and Youth, integrated within the IAC, commemorated the approval of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, by the Assembly of the United Nations, in the Senate Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic and the Journalism Awards “Direitos da Criança em Notícia 2011” were presented on November 21st.
- Rede Construir Juntos Annual Seminar, “Participating, a Right and a Duty of Citizenship”, November 21 at the Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra.
- The Crescer Juntos Youth Network is created.
- The book “Menino como eu” by Luísa Lobão Moniz, a member of the SOS-Criança team, based on the Children’s Rights and SOS-Criança 116 111, proceeds from the sale revert, in full, to the IAC/SOS-Criança.
- School competition “Se o Meu Telemóvel Voasse”, promoted and organized by the IAC-CEDI, the competition intended to contribute to the defense of non-discrimination guaranteed in article 2 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It took place between the 1st of February and the 31st of May, at national level.
- “Projecto Bom Dia, SOS-Criança” will take the SOS-Criança line to schools. Based on stories and legends, children learn that the SOS-Child 116 111 and 116 000 lines exist. They reflect on their rights and duties and, above all, reflect on their ways of life with others.
- GAAF Specialists’ Meeting, 27 April at the Moscavide IPJ. The destiny of man is determined in the warmth of the arms that are extended to him” (João dos Santos), was the motto of the Meeting.
- InfoCEDI nº40 May-June 2012 “Violência no Namoro” (“Violence in Dating”).
- 21st Training Action for Animators: “Young Multi-challengers – Motivation as an engine of transformation” 15th to 18th of May, Quinta das Águas Férreas in Caneças.
- VI Conference on Missing and Sexually Exploited Children, May 25, New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic.
- Youth Exchange of the Crescer Juntos Youth Network, July 6th, 7th and 8th, in Viana do Alentejo.
- Rede Construir Juntos Annual Seminar, “Solidarity Generations” October 22, at the IPJ in Moscavide.
- Launching on November 5, at the Municipal Library of Palácio das Galveias, in Lisbon, the Calendar IAC 2013, produced by IAC-CEDI, in partnership with Edições Pato Lógico (by illustrator André Letria).
- 23rd Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, at Cordoaria Nacional, in Lisbon, organized by the Forum on the Rights of Children and Youth, of which the IAC is a member. November 20th.
- Seminar “Psychology and Pedagogy behind Play”, the Toy Library Sector was invited to co-organize this Seminar by PimPumPlay, together with the Baby Research Nucleus and the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. 23 and 24 November in Leiria.
- Session “The Rights of Hospitalized Children” Launch of the publication “Zebedeu: Um príncipe no hospital” (“Zebedeu: A prince in the Hospital”) and the Kit “Dói que não Dói”, November 29, at Montepio in Lisbon.
- “Children with Rights” Exhibition, in an initiative of the IAC-Forum Construir Juntos and of the Committee for the Protection of Children and Youth of Coimbra.
- Presentation of the IAC 2013 Calendar, produced by IAC-CEDI, on December 5, 2012, at Palácio das Galveias, in Lisbon. The presentation was made by illustrator André Letria.
- In January and February, IAC-CEDI promoted three lectures in three schools in the district of Lisbon (Secondary School with 3rd CEB by Ferreira Dias, Cacém, Carlos Gargaté School Group and Mestre Domingos Saraiva School Group) about bullying.
- The Toy Libraries Sector started a programme on new technologies – use and abuse – entitled “Children and Young People Online”, with different actions for teachers, parents and children (from 4th to 9th grade) of three School Groups between January and April.
- IAC – Projecto Rua collaborates with PIEF. The PIEF is a 2nd and 3rd CEB educational/training response for young people for whom regular education is not feasible (128 young people enrolled and were accompanied by the IAC team).
- IAC – Construir Juntos Forum initiated yet another set of Awareness/Training actions planned for 2013, aimed at the specialized teams of the Student and Family Support Offices and partner institutions of the Construir Juntos Network. (Two Awareness/Training actions in Coimbra, January 17th and February 21st)
- VII European Conference on Missing and Sexually Exploited Children, 24 May in the Senate Hall of the Assembly. In the opening session, we had the presence of Queen Sofia, who thanked the invitation addressed to her by our President, Manuela Eanes, who signalled her great dedication to the cause of women and children, both in Spain and in Latin America.
- National Exchange of Children and Youth from the Crescer Juntos Network took place in Coimbra, on the 24th and 25th of June, at the Temporary Shelter Center of Loreto (Social Promotion of the District of Coimbra).
- “Cadernos 2013 – das Palavras aos Atos” (2013 Notebooks – From Words to Acts”) initiative. ESAN (European Social Action Network) invited the IAC to collaborate in the initiative as it had done in 2000 – “CAHIERS 2000 – Le dire pour act”. This initiative aims to give voice to the most excluded people – children, young people and families accompanied by the IAC – Projecto Rua were able to express their opinion, through drawings or writing about their current situation. On October 17, 2013, on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, these testimonies were publicly presented in the form of a publication at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.
- Construir Juntos Network’s Annual Meeting, with the theme “Rethinking Citizenship – Citizen vs. Person”, Lisbon, on 28 October.
- Forum on the Rights of Children and Youth, of which the IAC is a member, celebrated the 24th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of Children, on November 20, 2013, at the Urban Information Center (Picoas Plaza), in Lisbon.
- The General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Science invited the IAC to participate in MEC’s programme for promoting the Showcases of the Information and Public Relations Center (CIREP Avenida 5 de Outubro, nº 107, Lisbon) for the dissemination of activities and projects of the most significant IAC projects. The IAC-CEDI was responsible for organizing this exhibition during the month of November.
- Forum Construir Juntos promoted, an action of Information/Awareness under the theme “Pregnancy in Adolescence” on December 5, 2013, at the Casa de Formação Cristã Rainha Santa, in Coimbra.
- InfoCEDI nº 50 January-February 2014 “Rapto Parental” (“Parental Abduction”).
- GAAF Week. There was talk of the “Importance of Communication in Interpersonal Relations”, “Volunteering and Citizenship” and “Safe Internet”. From the 10th to the 12th of February at the Pombal Schools Group.
- The IAC-CEDI, in partnership with the IAC School Mediation and Plátano Editora, carries out several bullying prevention sessions at the Escultor Francisco dos Santos School Group, in Fitares, Rio de Mouro. The sessions target 4th and 9th grade students, parents and guardians, and operational assistants.
- The IAC-Humanização at the request of the PSP’s 5th Lisbon Division held internal training sessions for agents, within the scope of health education, working on the themes of social prevention of aggression, consumption and sexuality. At Escola Luís António Verney and Escola Gil Vicente they alert around 150 children to the problem of bullying.
- IAC – Projecto Rua held sessions on children’s rights and the prevention of dangers in schools in the 1st Cycle of the Municipalities of Lisbon, Amadora and Sintra.
- “PIEF Formula: guarantee for the future” meeting, the “O Século” Foundation, in partnership with the beneficiary entities of the support and qualification programme of the Measure PIEF PAQPIEF in the district of Lisbon, with the involvement of the IAC, promoted the meeting in the Auditorium of the “O Século” Foundation, in São Pedro do Estoril, on May 23rd.
- April Month of the Prevention of Mistreatment in Childhood and Youth, an initiative of the CNPCJR, in Coimbra, the IAC – Forum Construir Juntos embraced this challenge, having collaborated in the promotion of various activities.
- International Day of Missing Children, the IAC proposed to primary schools the decoration of a tree (“Tree of Hope”), evoking missing children and May 25, identifying the free European number for missing children, 116 000.
- 23rd Training Action for Animators “Emoções e Talentos – Um caminho para autonomia” (“Emotions and Talents – A path to autonomy”), promoted by the IAC – Projeto Rua, from the 27th to the 30th of May, at Quinta das Águas Férreas in Caneças, Odivelas.
- “Coimbra a Brincar 2014”, promoted by the Cerebral Palsy Association of Coimbra (APCC), the IAC-Forum Construir Juntos was a partner in the initiative. May 28th to June 1st.
- The ISCTE-IUL Library, in collaboration with the IAC-CEDI, launched the Bibliographic Exhibition Parentality & Child through the offer of a set of works published by the IAC. The exhibition took place during the month of June 2014.
- Distribution of bracelets for the “Estou Aqui!” programme was accompanied by the offer of a bookmark produced by the IAC. This programme consisted of distributing free wristbands to help parents and educators locate children lost during the summer.
- National Campaign for the Collection of School Material, promoted by the Portuguese NGDO Karingana Wa Karingana, in partnership with the IAC, Cáritas and Continente in the area of social responsibility, which took place on 6 and 7 September.
- Annual Exchange of Children and Youth from the Crescer Juntos Youth Network, September 7, 8 and 9 at the Lucinda Anino dos Santos Social Assistance Center (CASLAS), a partner institution of the Construir Juntos Network.
- The IAC was invited to participate in the Conference of NGOs promoted by the Council of Europe to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and made a presentation on the intervention developed by the IAC with children and young people in situations of social exclusion Turin on the 16th and 17th of October.
- Conference “Os Direitos da Criança – Prioridade para quando?” (“The Rights of the Child – Priority for when?”) Commemorative Conference of the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 20 – 21 October in the New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic.
- Right to Hearing and the Right to Freedom of Expression: since its foundation, the IAC has been striving for a more robust participation of children and young people. The most emblematic initiative that the IAC and Rede Construir Juntos had in this century was the promotion of RCJ, made up of Children and Youth supported by the Network’s institutions. An example of this is the opportunity that has been given to a fifteen-year-old girl (Ricarda), who has been supported by Projeto Rua and who participated in the solemn session promoted by the Commission on Human Rights of the Council of Europe and a communication at the IAC Conference in October.
- Construir Juntos Network Annual Seminar, “Olhar Realidades, Equacionar Mudanças” (“Looking at Realities, Equating Changes”) November 3, Lisbon, Urban Information Center Auditorium.
- Awareness raising action on “Children’s Rights” promoted by the IAC-Forum Construir Juntos at the 1st João de Deus School Garden, in Coimbra, targeting second, third and fourth year students (about 130 children) on 25 November.
- Launch of the IAC 2015 Calendar produced by IAC-CEDI, in partnership with Umbilical Foto (by photographer Hugo Manita), a simple and useful project that aims to promote the Rights of the Child through the beautiful poem by writer Matilde Rosa Araújo. December 9th.
- Award of the 2014 Human Rights Award to the IAC, for its contribution to the integral development of children, in the defense and promotion of their rights in different areas of health, education, social security or their free time, as well as in the search for new answers to childhood problems in Portugal, in collaboration with similar national and international institutions. Ceremony presided over by the President of the Assembly of the Republic, on the 10th of December, in the Noble Hall of the Palácio de S. Bento.
- IAC’s blog “Crianças a Torto e Direitos” reached 1,419,372 visits in 2014. Since December 2009, the start date of activity, until the 9th of March 2015 we had a total of 3,354,564 visits.
- Public presentation of the television series “Histórias do Lucas” on March 18, at the New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic. This animation series is the result of a partnership between the Child Support Institute, the Lapa do Lobo Foundation, GO TO and RTP 2.
- VIII Conference on Missing and Sexually Exploited Children, May 25 at the New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic.
- On May 25th, a cooperation protocol was signed between the IAC (Humanization Sector) and the Judiciary Police of Lisbon after the latter had requested the “humanization” of the reception room for children victims of sexual crimes, on the PJ’s premises. The Sector made itself available to transform the space where children are received into a pleasant, comfortable and welcoming place, in order to minimize the consequences of the psychological process in which they find themselves.
- Between 2013 and 2015, the IAC, through the Projecto Rua sector, participated in the transnational project CATCH & SUSTAIN – “European Cross-Actors Exchange Platform for Trafficked Children on Building Methodology for Prevention and Sustainable Inclusion”. The main action of this project was the creation of a training programme in the area of preventing child trafficking, developed based on theoretical research, analysis of existing instruments and workshops with partners at national level, which allowed for the assessment of needs in the area. intervention with children at risk of TSH and outline the profile of this target group.
- World Play Day, celebrated on May 28, the IAC – Activity Play challenged not only national Toy Libraries and Play Spaces to celebrate the World Play Day, but also schools, companies and every citizen. A Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/diamundialdobrincar) and a mini-site were created within the IAC website (http://www.iacrianca.pt/diamundialdobrincar). Schools had daily challenges.
- Solidarity Concert at the National Theater of São Carlos, free entry upon delivery of a book or toy that reverted to the IACon 20 June.
- Manuela Eanes, president of the Instituto de Apoio à Criança, was awarded the European Citizen’s Prize by the European Parliament. The public award ceremony took place on 4 September at the Jean Monnet European Center.
- Annual Exchange of Children and Youth of the Crescer Juntos (RJCJ) Youth Network took place this year in Braga, from 6 to 9 September, at the Cultural and Social Center of Santo Adrião. 46 participants were involved – 32 children and young people, accompanied by 14 technicians from RCJ partner institutions: CCSSA, IAC – Fórum Construir Juntos, APDES, IAC – Projeto Rua, CESIS, ALPM, Associação Chão dos Meninos, CERCIMOR and CASLAS.
- Annual Seminar of the Construir Juntos Network (RCJ), entitled “A Maioria de uma Rede – Paradigma do Presente, Perspectivas do Futuro” (“The Majority of a Network – Paradigm of the Present, Perspectives of the Future”), took place in Braga, on September 8, organized by the IAC in collaboration with the Cultural and Social Center de Santo Adrião (CCSSA), partner institution of this Network.
- InfoCEDI nº 60 Sept. Oct. 2015 “Crianças Refugiadas” (“Refugee Children”).
- Humanization for All! “The Discovery of Being” (Health education – sexuality), “Anxiety and Stress in Exams”, “School mediation – conflict management” and “Bullying” have been the most requested, having already covered a total of 228 trainees (GAAF students, parents, teachers and specialists).
- Under the partnership protocol between the IAC and the Training Centers of School Associations (CFAE) Novafoco (Cacém), Amadora, Calvet de Magalhães (Lisbon), the Educational and Training Resources Center (CREF) of Sesimbra and the Center of Training of the Association of Sintra Schools (CFAE SINTRA) thirteen training actions were carried out in the 2014/15 school year for teachers and non-teachers in schools in the municipalities of Sintra, Lisbon, Amadora, Oeiras and Odivelas, covering 370 teachers, specialists and specialized and operational assistants.
- Presentation of the IAC 2016 Calendar – for the Defense and Promotion of Children’s Rights, on November 7, at Lucinda Sobral Henriques Gallery, Jaime Cortesão High School in Coimbra.
- Presentation of the IAC 2016 Calendar, on the 28th of November at Centro Ismaili, in Lisbon. The session was attended by authors of children’s literature who collaborated in this Agenda with unpublished stories and poems: António Torrado, José Fanha, Luísa Ducla Soares, Fernando Cardoso, Raquel Palermo, Sara Rodi, Margarida Fonseca Santos, Sílvia Alves and young Tiago Amador, who wrote one of the short stories for the Calendar. The IAC 2016 Calendar was produced by the IAC-CEDI.
- The Leisure Activity Sector was invited by DECO to collaborate in the evaluation of toys. This collaboration aimed to evaluate toys for children under 3, and the results were published in the PROTESTE magazine in December.
- Annual meeting of the Student and Family Support Offices (GAAF) teams in the central zone. January 20 at the D. Duarte High School, in Coimbra.
- D. Pedro IV Foundation Merit Award given to Matilde Sirgado, coordinator of Projecto Rua, with her Master’s thesis entitled “Crianças em Situações de Rua: o caso do IAC – Projecto Rua Em Família para Crescer” (“Children in Street Situation: the case of IAC – Street Project “In Family to Grow”). Following this award, she was invited to be present at the ISCSP Merit Awards Gala – Caixa Geral de Depósitos, which took place on February 23, 2016 at the Aula Magna Adriano Moreira of the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences. The Award of Merit was formally awarded.
- IX Missing Children Conference, New Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic, on May 30th. This year, the Conference paid special attention to children victims of the war in Syria, as two years after the start of the conflict, the number of refugees was estimated at two and a half million, but now, with three more years of war, international organisations believe the number has doubled. The conference was attended by the President of the Republic.
- Manuela Ramalho Eanes, president of the IAC, receivedthe Honoris Causa Doctorate from Universidade Lusíada, for her life path, distinguished in academic, scientific, political, cultural, civic or professional activities. The handover ceremony took place in Lisbon, on the 24th of July, at Universidade Lusíada.
- IAC once again supports the PSP campaign “Estou Aqui” (“I’m Here”): the IAC has once again joined the Public Security Police, as well as Missing Children Europe, in the “ESTOU AQUI” campaign, through bracelets, which can be requested and which can contribute to locating a lost child.
- Annual Exchange of the Crescer Juntos Youth Network. This year, from September 11th to 13th, 33 children and young people, accompanied by 15 specialists, “invaded” the SOS Children’s Village of Gulpilhares, one of the most recent partner institutions of the Construir Juntos Network.
- Signing Ceremonyfor the Constitution of Surface Rights on the property located at Avenida da República, 21 and 21A, in favour of the Instituto de Apoio à Criança, bringing together people connected to the City Hall of Lisbon (CML), partners and friends of the IAC. The new house will work at numbers 21 and 21A on Avenida da República. October 12, at the Town Hall of Lisbon.
- TALE Project – Training Activities for Legal Experts – How to improve the contact of children and young people with the justice system? This TALE Project, Training Activities for Legal Experts, funded by the European Commission, and coordinated by Save the Children Italy, was created precisely to respond to this need to study and reflect on these themes. The IAC is the Portuguese partner, and other partners are Spain (La Merced Migraciones), United Kingdom (University of Liverpool), Romania (Save the Children Romania), as well as Italy itself, with the president of Defense for Children International, Belgium, to collaborate in the training.
- The Construir Juntos Network Annual Seminar took place in Lisbon on November 22, at the Casa dos Direitos Sociais, under the title “Crescendo Juntos para a Autonomia” (“Growing Together for Autonomy”).
- International Day of Non-Violence and Peace in Schools, January 30th and 31st the IAC-CEDI promoted awareness-raising sessions on bullying and cyberbullying for 4th, 5th and 7th grade students in the Group of Ferreira de Castro Schools, in the municipality of Sintra.
- GAAF Meeting “From challenges to solutions”, organized by the Humanization Sector, May 4 at the IPDJ auditorium in Lisbon. More than 120 participants who justified their presence essentially by the “choice of guest speakers”.
- Colloquium “Playing and Ways of Being a Child”, intended to celebrate the World Day of Play, May 28th, May 26th and 27th, Coimbra at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.
- World Play Day in the Gardens of Belém Palace, in a joint event between the IAC – Leisure Activity sector and the Museum of the Presidency of the Republic. On May 28, from 10 am to 5 pm, more than 3800 people went to the most emblematic gardens in the country to play. The Leisure Activity sector brought together a total of 37 partners, around 220 people, to animate the Gardens with lots of games, games, music, books, artistic and sport activities and even… relaxing massages for children and adults. After all, playing seriously is also tiring!
- X Children’s Missing Conference, at the Almeida Santos Auditorium of the Assembly of the Republic, on May 30th. The conference focuses on legal and humanitarian measures for the reception of refugees, with special mention for unaccompanied children. It also includes the screening of the film “The Good Lie”, by director Phillipe Falardeau, about the lives of these children in refugee camps.
- InfoCEDI nº 70 May-June “Criança como vítima indireta da Violência Doméstica” (“Children as an indirect victim of Domestic Violence”).
- Launch of the game “Refugiados” June 20 at Quinta da Marialva Urban Park, in Corroios, with the support of EB Alto do Moinho (School Group of Vale de Milhaços), the Parish Council of Corroios and the Seixal City Council. Created by the publisher Ideias com História in partnership with the IAC – CEDI, the game “Refugiados” is presented as a pedagogical tool with the objective of sensitizing children and young people to the situation of refugees.
- Launch of the book “Crianças em Situação de Rua: O Caso do IAC – Projecto Rua “Em Família para Crescer” (“Children in Street Situation: O Caso do IAC – Projeto Rua “Em Família para Crescer”), by Matilde Sirgado Coordinator of Projecto Rua. June 29, at the bookstore Bulhosa do Campo Grande.
- Commemorative Meeting 20 Years of the Construir Juntos Network (RCJ), Auditorium of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, in Lisbon, 30 June.
- The Annual Exchange of the Crescer Juntos Youth Network took place at Quinta das Águas Férreas, in Caneças, from the 5th to the 7th of July, in a co-organization of the IAC-Projecto Rua and IAC-Forum Construir Juntos, sectors of the IAC responsible for the national mediation of the Construir Juntos and which had the participation of 33 young people and 10 specialists. This year, the Youth Network project was under the theme “Vocational and Professional Guidance/ Employability/ Entrepreneurship”.
- D. Maria II Schools Group, in Cacém, and the IAC developed throughout the 2016/2017 school year the project on primary prevention of bullying in a school context “Bullying?! Aqui Não!!!”, which involved four 4th year classes from EB1 Ribeiro de Carvalho and a 3rd year class from EB1 Cacém nº 1.
- Young consultants from the TALE Project (Training Activities for Legal Experts) seeks to bring to the group of professionals who are part of the workshops – professionals in the field of law or who accompany young people in court – the conclusions of the consultation group CCA-Child Consulting Activity, formed by 10 teenagers. The conclusions they reached are specific to this particular group, although similar to those of other teenagers who have gone through courts or court proceedings.
- IAC – CEDI, in partnership with publisher Teodolito, launched on November 18 at Livraria Barata in Lisbon the game book “Ameaça nas Redes Sociais! E Agora, Marta?” (Threat on social networks! And now, Marta?”), the first volume of the “Alerta Premika! Risco online detetado” (“Online risk detected”), a collection for 1st and 2nd cycle children in the field of Internet safety.
- The IAC created the “Mala VIP – Vivacity, Innovation, Participation – A Tool for Inclusion” project. This project is funded by the Lisbon City Hall, under the RAAML (Regulation for granting support) and its main objective is to create opportunities that allow children and young people in situations of inequality that limit their participation and the exercise of citizenship to have access information, reflection, debate and sharing of experiences.
- GAAF Meeting “School in Child Protection”, organized by the Humanization Sector, with the presence of 123 participants. May 8 at the Eça de Queirós Secondary School, Olivais.
- XI Missing and Sexually Exploited Children Conference – Tribute to Álvaro de Carvalho, May 29 at the Center for Judicial Studies.
- World Play Day returned to the Belém Palace Gardens, a partnership between the Belém Palace Museum and IAC – Activity Play, held on June 2nd.
- The IAC has a new headquarters. In 1983, it had its first headquarters in Avenida de Berna, in Lisbon, in facilities provided by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in 1993 it inaugurated the new headquarters in Largo da Memória in Ajuda in facilities provided by the Lisbon City Council and in August 2018 it moved to Avenida da República nº 21 in premises provided by the Municipality of Lisbon.
- Launch of “Mala VIP” on June 28 at IPDJ. At the Parque das Nações IPDJ, a “VIP Suitcase” was launched with games and pedagogical tools to raise awareness of issues related to Human Rights. These products were created by children and young people from 9 to 19 years old, representatives of the Juvenil Crescer Juntos network, partners in the Mala VIP Project – Vivacity, Innovation and Participation, promoted by the Child Support Institute and financed by the Lisbon City Council in the scope of the RAAML.
- 27th Training Action for Animators “Adolescence as a Radical Experience – The boundary between the healthy and the pathological”. It took place at Quinta das Águas Férreas in Caneças, with the support of the Municipality of Odivelas. October 25th and 27th.
- Meeting “A Better World for Children: Everyone’s Responsibility”. Organized by IAC – Fórum, Construir Juntos. About 150 teachers and other specialists reflected on the importance of the involvement of different stakeholders in the educational process, namely professionals in the field of social and human sciences. Coimbra, October 27 at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences – UC.
- Concertcommemorating 35 years of the IAC – Solidarity Concert “We Are All Children”. The artists who accepted to be part of the event exceeded all expectations and our presenter, Catarina Furtado, was magnificent, as throughout the show she not only told the story of the IAC, sectors, projects and dreams, as he also called on the stage children and young people supported by the IAC and with his professionalism, he managed to give a constant dynamism to the concert. November 20th at the Altice Arena.
- Inauguration of the new IAC headquarters. On April 2, the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, opened the new headquarters of the IAC. The new premises, located at Avenida da República, 21, were provided by the Lisbon City Hall, and in addition to being more centrall-situated and comfortable, they will allow for greater coordination of the activities of the IAC.
- InfoCEDI nº 70 January – February “A Importância da Vacinação” (“The Importance of Vaccination”).
- II Natália Pais Meeting, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, this year under the motto “Playful spaces an international reality”. 25th March.
- GAAF National Meeting “GAAF: a holistic intervention”, organized by the Humanization sector. May 11, at the Lisbon School of Education.
- II Colloquium “Playing and Ways of Being a Child”. 25th of May, at the Auditorium of the Superior School of Education of Coimbra.
- 3rd Edition of the World Play Day, June 1st at the Belém Palace Gardens. This initiative, which this year involved the participation of the National Republican Guard, which joined the usual organizers, the Museum of the Presidency of the Republic and the IAC – Playful Activity.
- Solidarity Day with the IAC. On June 22, Colégio Moderno Music School held another Solidarity Day at the National Theater of São Carlos, whose profits reverted to the IAC.
- National Exchange of Children and Youth, which took place at Quinta das Águas Férreas in Caneças, Odivelas, from 9th to 11th July, and which involved 30 young people from the poles of Coimbra, Lisbon, Évora and Algarve.
- IAC Protocol with Lisbon City Council. The Luz Verde à Criança project, presented to Lisbon City Council and which resulted in the signing of a Collaboration Protocol between the two entities, prioritizes a set of actions that bring together resources and potential of the different agents involved in domains that directly affect our children’s lives.
- In October, IAC and Amplos launched the Guides for Families and Education Professionals on Gender Diversity in Childhood. October 24th at the Odivelas Multipurpose Pavilion.
- Meeting 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. October 29th at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. It was intended to mark the date on which the countries decided to agree on a memorable text, on behalf of the protection of children and the promotion of the rights they expressly decided to recognize. The day was marked by the public presentation ceremony of the IAC’s Advisory Council, which brings together a number of distinguished personalities with a track record in promoting the Rights of the Child.
- InfoCRIANÇA No. 84 September-October “History of the Convention on the Rights of the Child”.
- SOS-Child Anniversary – November 22nd. This nationwide service, which for 31 years has given a voice to children in Portugal, has been a fundamental pillar in the defense and protection of their rights. If in the beginning SOS-Child helped children only through the telephone, today it responds to situations through chat, whatsapp, e-mail, free psychological assistance, as well as answering the questions of missing, abused and/or sexually exploited children. SOS-Children also works with children, young people, and families in schools to combat exclusion and all forms of inequality that may befall students.
- On the 3rd, we joined Giving Tuesday, a worldwide initiative that aims to involve the civil society in supporting social causes, and that happened for the first time in Portugal this year. The IAC publicized the “Listen and Act” campaign, which we associated with MULTIBANCO and MBWAY’s Ser Solidário service.
- The 11th Conference of the Global Missing Children’s Network (GMCN), organized by ICMEC, and co-organized by the Polícia Judiciária and IAC (SOS-Criança and Projeto Rua) was held this year in Lisbon, at the PJ auditorium from December 2 to 6, 2019.
- Annual Meeting of the Network Building Together – Coimbra. On December 13th, in Coimbra, in the Auditorium of the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, the Annual Meeting of the Building Together Network took place.
- Awarding of the “Right Way 2019” Award Ceremony for the “Right Way 2019” Award to IAC. Award established by the structure of Socialist Women-Equality and Rights (MS-ID) of the Federation of the Lisbon Urban Area (FAUL), December 16 in Lisbon.
- Inauguration of the new Mobile Unit of the IAC-Street Project on December 19th at Bairro Dr. Alfredo Bensaúde in Lisbon. Inauguration of the new Mobile Unit of the IAC-Street Project on December 19th at Bairro Dr. Alfredo Bensaúde in Lisbon.
- InfoCRIANÇA No. 85 November-December “Child Hearing”
Decade of the 2020s
- The Instituto de Apoio à Criança received the Arco-Íris 2019 Award for the work developed by the Humanization Sector, together with other companies, in the production of Guides for Families and Professionals on the Diversity of Gender Expressions in Childhood. The ILGA Portugal Rainbow Awards were presented on January 11, at the Capitólio Cineteatro.
- In an initiative of the Coimbra Hub, the National GAAF Meeting “School/Family Relationship as a Potentiator of Success” took place on February 1st, in the Auditorium of the Instituto Superior da Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra and was attended by 150 participants. In addition to reflecting on the importance of parental involvement in schools, the promotion of this Meeting allowed the dissemination of the IAC School Mediation project and the methodology of the Student and Family Support Offices (GAAF).
- Premika Alert! Online Risk Detected a Risky Online Game! And Now, James? . The second volume of the “Alerta Premika! Online risk detected” is already in bookstores! And it brings a board game and a PICTIONET! Ready to meet another adventure of Premika, the android of the future? “A risky ONLINE game! What now, James?” is a story about reckless behavior in online games.
- Knowledge in the Day. The Knowledge and Training Area launched a digital monthly publication – “Conhecimento em Dia” – which aims to disseminate current scientific content of practical interest, related to the fields of action of the IAC specialists.
- The protocol with the Sagrada Familia Center has already borne its first fruits. On March 6, the conference “The Importance of Play” was held in Algés, with the presence of Professor Carlos Neto, professor and researcher at the Faculty of Human Motricity, as a speaker. At a meeting that brought together education professionals and families, they discussed various issues related to the right to play and reinforced the motto that the CSF has in its educational project “we learn from playing”. May it be the beginning of a series of joint initiatives!
- The Ação Educar e Formar para Inserir is back! The IAC has sought to contribute in the area of education/training, in line with the state’s inclusive qualification policies, to combat school dropout, the risk of social exclusion and deviant behaviour, promoting social justice and equality of opportunities. The Education and Training Center, a team recently created at the Instituto de Apoio à Criança, assumed as one of its main challenges to reproduce and revitalize the Ação, a project developed by the IAC between 2005 and 2011 with the support of the International Foundation Carrefour.
- IAC Support Materials Amidst the chaos that sets in and the resonance that takes hold of each one of us, it is good to know that through the complementarity of our qualities and potential, it was possible to carry out this work and make it available to the entire community. In this way, sincere thanks are given to those who are developing supporting documents aimed at this phase, such as infográficos, documents on measures and vaccination from the Stage of Emergency posters for the dissemination of the SOS-Child Lines, Guides for children and parents, about COVID-19 and activity guides for children and their families. This effort also made it possible to continue the Escola Alfaiate (Tailor School project), which was interrupted by the current emergency state in the country, and documents relating to it are being created. More documents will be created and will include the participation of our academic interns (8 in total).
- Fake News infographic by Bruno Barros from IAC – Activity Play.
- “Pela voz de…” Following the situation of isolation we live in, the Área do Conhecimento e Formação launched a challenge to writers Sara Rodi and José Fanha, which consisted of reading stories that they themselves created, within the scope of previous partnerships with the IAC, and that reflect the Rights of the Child. The videos are available on the IAC’s Youtube Channel. By the Voice of… Sara Rodi / By the Voice of… José Fanha.
- Hearing at the Assembly of the Republic of the IAC’s Working Group – Alternate Residence on May 29, 2020. Dulce Rocha, President of the IAC and Manuel Coutinho, Secretary General, were present. Below is the document that the IAC sent to the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees of the Assembly of the Republic on February 5, 2020, requesting a hearing and in which it explains its position on Alternate Residence. Request for Hearing Parliamentary Committee on Alternate Residence.
- Coimbra a Brincar 2020. To celebrate the International Day of Play, the IAC – Polo de Coimbra team launched a challenge to experts in the field of play to, with a focus on the practice of each one, give their contribution and perspective on the theme of play. Thus, throughout the 28th of May, four videos were shared on the Coimbra a Brincar page that addressed different ways of playing and their importance. Thus, the first video was dedicated to the theme of popular traditional toys and had the testimony of João Amado, mentor of the Museum – School of Popular Traditional Toys – https://bit.ly/2zPL6sh -, followed by teacher Ana Rosa Jaqueira (FCDEF of UC) who addressed the theme of Traditional Games – https://bit.ly/2UaODIt -, Professor Rui Mendes (ESEC), with the theme of Physical Activity and Play – https://bit.ly /3czii4t – and teacher Aida Figueiredo (DEP UA) with the theme of Play in Nature – https://bit.ly/2Bxno4t.
- The #viverintensamente movement was created by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and aims to give children back the playground they have been deprived of since the closing of schools, followed by the state of emergency. The partnership established between the IAC and the pharmaceutical company was born in order to spread the word about the movement, to contribute with our expertise about playing, in the development of activities that will be disclosed weekly to children who register on the pharmacist’s website, the idea will be that they publish the results of the activities and identify with #viverintensemente.
- Webinar “Quando a fuga parece ser a única solução” (“When escape seems to be the only solution…”) 25 May – International Missing Children’s Day. On the International Day of Missing Children, the IAC promoted the webinar “When escape seems to be the only solution…” In this webinar, a multidisciplinary analysis of a real case was made by the different sectors of the IAC. 210 participants were present and there was space for debate, at the end, through the Zoom platform chat.
- On the International Day of Child Support Lines 2020, several international institutions of which the IAC is an active member decided to honour all the Child Support Lines that were always active, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Portugal, we honour the specialists of the SOS-Criança Line – 116111 – for providing support to children and young people in Portugal, having expanded their intervention in this pandemic phase, in order to respond to all requests for support. We shared the specialists’ testimonies daily, in a campaign that culminated in the International Day of Missing Children. In Portugal, the IAC is responsible for the SOS-Criança Desaparecida Line (116000), a specific European number for situations where children disappear.
- On May 14, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, a Webinar was held on Well-being in Shelters, addressed to teams from partner institutions of the Construir Juntos Network, led by João Pedro Gaspar from PAJE. About 80 participants from across the country were present. This webinar arose from the analysis of the results of the questionnaire given to residential care institutions.
- As a way to mark the Day of the Missing and Sexually Exploited Child, the Área de Conhecimento e Formação edited the publication “Os Direitos das Crianças Vítimas de Exploração Sexual e Abuso” (“The Rights of Children Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse”). This small book is an adaptation of the ECPAT original, “Know your rights”, and aims to make children aware of their rights, in a simple and understandable way, and is also translated into English, French and Spanish.
- The IAC was invited to join a new European project, financed by the European Commission, entitled ‘Rights of citizen kid, migrant and European’ (ROCK ME), composed of a consortium of 6 entities; the coordination will be the responsibility of CEIS Formazione Modena (CEIS FORMA), Italy, and 5 partner entities, of which we highlight the IAC, with the remaining entities located in Italy, Belgium and France. The starting point will be Article 7 of the Charter: “The child will be registered immediately after birth and, from birth, will have the right to a name, the right to acquire citizenship”. This right is fundamental, from the outset, because the children of the second or third generation of migrants can find themselves confused in the face of a kind of double belonging, that is, forced to be citizens of a State that they do not feel is theirs – that of their parents – and, on the other hand, foreigners, legally considered, in a country with which they identify and feel citizens.