Categoria: Books

The Best Interest of the Child from the perspective of respect for their interests

This document proposes the adoption of legislative measures that clarify the legal concept of the “best interests of the child”, which, for example, would allow the legal consecration of the child’s right to preserve their deep psychological connections and the continuity of affective relationships that are felt as gratifying and in their interest. Authored by the Executive President of the IAC, it relied on the contribution of people accredited in the area of ​​the Rights of the Child. It was delivered by the IAC Board to the President of the Assembly of the Republic, in April 2008. Click to read.

The Children's Game: Organization of Toy Libraries

The Children’s Game: Organization of Toy Libraries

This work aimed at parents, educators, teachers, students and other education professionals helps to make known the importance of toy libraries as spaces for culture and education, spaces that are an indispensable school complement and that are of vital importance in the education of the child. The author has supervised numerous courses on the organization of toy libraries at the main universities and training centers for educators in Spain, Portugal and Mexico.

O Bosque Mínimo (The Tiny Forest)

O Bosque Mínimo (The Tiny Forest)

The Calouste Gulbenkian Children’s Literature Grand Prize, established to consecrate the literary unity and quality of work dedicated to children’s literature, was awarded, in the 1987/88 biennium, to António Torrado. At the award ceremony, the writer read out a communication in which he pays homage to the contribution of the writers who preceded him in the Grand Prix. It is the testimony by António Torrado that appears in this book edited by the IAC and which also represents a contribution to the retrospective evaluation of the Children’s Literature Meetings held from 1980 onwards.

Maria de Lourdes Levy: Because I don't give up!

Maria de Lourdes Levy: Because I don’t give up!

This work brings together facts and illustrations from the life of Professor Maria de Lourdes Levy, dedicated to Medicine and Paediatrics, both as a teacher and doctor. The love with which she dedicated herself to social solidarity institutions, such as the IAC, testifies to her commitment to the social dissemination of issues related to Health and Education in Childhood. The collection of texts, photographs and documents, in addition to portraying such a full life, clearly demonstrates how much she has contributed to the cause of the Portuguese Child.

Blue Book: Prevention of Child Abuse

The Blue Book is aimed at younger children and its main purpose is to raise awareness, inform and provide some strategies on such a sensitive issue and of which, unfortunately, so many children are victims. It helps them understand what might be happening to them or someone close to them, what is right or wrong and how to ask for help. In this atypical period that we are all experiencing and which leads us to social isolation, there are concerns about the most vulnerable children who are far from the eyes of those who could protect them. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, in its article 19, says that all children must be protected against abuse and neglect. We leave here the appeal for all of us to always remember this, not only in April – international month for the prevention of child abuse, but during every month and every day of the year. And now, more than ever, we all have the obligation to be the protectors of these Children who depend on us to defend them! Click to read.

Traditional Games and Toys

Traditional Games and Toys

This publication enumerates a set of games with stones, sticks, irons, bags, fabrics, etc., played from the North to the South of the country and which highlight one of the forms of playful expression of Portuguese culture. This book demonstrates that the promotion of children’s rights and play has been a pioneering concern of the IAC.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Through this book the Humanization sector of the IAC’s Child Care Services pays a posthumous tribute to one of its most distinguished members. Prof. Torrado da Silva was a Founding Partner of the IAC, a member of its Coordinating Council and of the Board of Directors. He contributed to the well-being of Children in different ways, namely with around 600 communications in national and foreign Congresses, more than 70 articles in scientific journals, as well as holding high positions in several institutions linked to Paediatrics.

Stories with Rights

Stories with Rights

Children’s audiobook whose aim is to promote debate and reflection on the Rights of the Child by children, parents and educators through short stories and poems written by several Portuguese writers: António Torrado, Inês de Barros Baptista, Inês Pupo, Mª Teresa M. Gonzalez, Luísa Ducla Soares, Raquel Palermo, José Jorge Letria, António Mota, Augusto Carlos, Rui Zink and José Fanha, with illustrations by Vera Pyrrait, voice by Pedro D’Orey and music by Ricardo Daniel and Tiago Barbosa.